‘ThinkTrader’ is the name of the trading platform developed by TF Global Markets (UK) Ltd. The company provides its services under the name ThinkMarkets. There are two types of it – desktop and web-based. The web-based platform is simpler and neat than the desktop version. It runs on every major browser. Workspace is split into four modules. The main module in the center. All other modules can be disabled, and the workspace could be just one window. All modules are customizable and include Main instruments, Markets Explorer, Majors, Messages, and Positions.

Clicking the instrument name turns it into a box. You can enter the amount and press Sell or Buy buttons to make a deal. If One-click feature is turned on, a confirmation dialog is not shown, and orders are placed directly. If this feature is turned off, clicking the buy or sell button calls a New Order window. Stop loss and take profit orders can be set here. Open positions are displayed in the Positions window. They can be modified or closed in it.

Trade module has 7 sections showing corresponding information in the main window. Charts are in the first section. Time periods start from 1 minutes to 1 month and charts types include candles, bars, and lines. Like in the desktop version, we recommend changing the default colors as they are uncomfortable to use. There are several graphical objects such as lines text and Fibonacci retracement. There are 90 technical indicators arranged alphabetically. Charts can be zoomed in and out by the slider below time data or by using the mouse wheel.

The Dashboard section shows all instruments in boxes. Scalpers can turn the One-click function on and quickly open a position without having to confirm it. Like in the desktop version, the feature that recognizes chart patterns – the Authochartist is also available.


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